Thursday, May 20, 2010

Would politicians vying for an elected position survive without polls and surveys?

If polls and surveys didn't exist how could they determine or make a right choice on what to do once elected?

Would politicians vying for an elected position survive without polls and surveys?
Polls, surveys, popular issues, etc., are indeed what defines "politics"...

You seem to forget that politicians require politics, however, government officials and functionaries do NOT necessarily have to be Politicians.

In fact, I postulate that our Government and our country would function more effectively if we removed from it "Politics" and all the subsequent trappings, thereof.
Reply:Look at the message the candidates are saying, you silly.

The polls are nothing except to give false hopes and incorrect assumptions.
Reply:I've always thought that we elect representatives. They stand in for us, not they go off on their own. Polling and surveys are one good way to find out what it is we want, not just what the loud ones want.

That may not be the same as the 'right' choice as right and wrong are moral judgments that might be different for you or me.

Would they survive, yes, the did before and will without, but this way we get a picture of what the district wants, and if the representative is wrong, he doesn't get re elected.

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