Monday, May 24, 2010

Dose anyone know how to make money online with surveys, stuffing mail?

i am looking for a site that is no obligation site. that no money is requierd to start. i am also looking for a site that dose not give out points for surveys. been there done that. i want a actual check.

Dose anyone know how to make money online with surveys, stuffing mail?
There is a site called Go there and keep refreshing the page until Pine Cone research appears at the top. That's the only way to join their panel. You'll sign up with them, and they'll send you surveys from time to time. They always pay $3 each, and sometimes they'll ask if you'd like to try a product (I've tried soup, drinks, dishwashing fluid, etc...). It's a great place. I don't know about any other sites, but I do know that this one is legit and a good one to compliment any other sites you find! Good luck!
Reply:try adbux
Reply:try this:
Reply:hey i know some people that take online surveys and make good money . this is the best way because you dont have to pay for anything just sing up and search. most online ops are scams or produce minimal results with little help. The best place to start for online surveys is at it has a directory that will give you choices and price payouts. good luck
Reply:dude, I do surveys and make good money. If you're interested, email me at so I may send you the links (email invites only) and help you. Sites are free and so is my help. I get paid for referrals as a bonus. So the more money you make, the more i make. That is way i wanna help you make the most you can. Make sense right.
Reply:I've received actual checks from surveyspot, opinion outpost, mysurvey, acop, and quite a few others.

I've written a list and have reviews of the free sites I've had good luck with on my blog:

There's also a list of sites to avoid and some tips and advice there.

Reply:I have quite a few work at home business ops listed on my blog that have made me some good money, no investment required.

Everybody is goin to give you some sort of tip that is somehow goin to put money in their pocket in some way, including me if i gave you some survey site address or something like that... (affiliates and referrals overcrowd the Internet.)

But here is a little piece of advise that will work for you.

It's a website that researches and investigates other online money making websites, they even try and test any web site for you before you join to let you know what your chances are and how much your likely to make...

Everyone here is goin to give you some website that they have tried out... or are affiliated with. Go to (they dont have an affiliate program) and take your own pick of many ( I think they have around 200 or 300) scam-free, researched websites or assign their research team to investigate and research any site of your choice...

Go, don't go... It's nothing to me. Just thought i should help you an honest answer and not try sell you a website like these other dudes are...

I hope that answers your questiong. Bye!
Reply:Can’t believe everyone is advertising. I don’t care if you don’t visit this website but you can get enough information through this site. Hope this helps. Thanks.

I have made enough from these 4 websites listed on the page.

Just go to other answers' websites and you will find loads of adverts!! Mine doesn't have any! Now, think whose information is correct!
Reply:GO to and sign up and start making money via clicking ads!!!.


Dear Friend,

You probably have seen these, but they really really do work, give it a try -- think of how you waste $6 in a day, week or month. It's a minor investment with great rewards. This might really help you pay off those credit cards and give you the ability to move out.

If you could start your own mail order list with an investment of

$6.00, and make $800,000 over the next

year would you do it?


***Proven by various, highly-respected U.S. TV and Radio programs as being 100% legal, feasible and true.***

***Oprah Winfrey and ABC's investigation team 20/20 also prove it can be done.***


Would you like to make $71,000 OR $250,000 in a few weeks?

As seen on the Oprah Winfrey show and ABC's 20/20


The true story that has everyone talking:

Parents of a 15yr old boy find $71,000 in his closet:

You may have seen this story featured on a number of major news programs (United States), and reported elsewhere around the world.

His mother was doing some cleaning and putting some laundry away when she discovered a large brown paper bag that was suspiciously

buried beneath some clothes and a skateboard in the back of her 15-year-old sons closet.

Nothing could have prepared her for the shock she got when she opened the bag and found that it was full of dollar bills -- $71,000 to be precise!!

"My first thought was that he had robbed a bank", says the 41-year-old woman, "There was over $71,000 in that bag,

that's more than my husband earns in a year".

The woman immediately called her husband at the car-dealership where he worked to tell him what she had discovered.

He came home right away and together they drove to the boys school and picked him up.

Little did they suspect that where the bills were coming from was going to be a bigger surprise than actually finding them in the closet.

As it turns out, the boy had been sending out, via E-mail, a type of "Report" to other E-mail addresses that he obtained off the Internet.

Everyday after school for the past 2 months, he had been doing this on his computer in his bedroom.

"I just got an E-mail one day and I figured what the heck, I put my name on it like the instructions said and I started sending it out", says the 15-year-old.

The E-mail letter he received had 5 names and addresses listed on it and contained instructions on how to send one $5 dollar bill to each person on the list.

Then delete the name and address at the bottom of the list (Report # 5) and move the other 4 names and addresses down one step,

finally adding your own name and address to the top of the list (Report # 1).

The letter goes on to state that you would receive several thousand dollars in five-dollar bills within 2 weeks

if you sent out the letter with your name and address at the top of the 5-address list.

"I get junk E-mail all the time, and really did not think it was going to work", the boy continues.

Within the first few days of sending out the E-mail,

the Post Office Box that his parents had gotten him for his video-game magazine subscriptions began to fill up

not with magazines, but envelopes containing $5 bills.

"About a week later I rode my bike down to the post office and my

Post Office Box had 1 magazine and about 300 envelopes stuffed in it."

Over the next few weeks, the boy continued sending out the E-mail.

"The five dollar bills just kept coming in and I just kept sorting them and stashing them in the closet,

I barely had time for my homework". He had also been riding his bike to several of the banks in his area

and exchanging the $5 bills for twenties, fifties and hundreds.

"I didn't want the banks to get suspicious so I kept riding to different banks with like five thousand at a time in my backpack.

I would usually tell the lady at the bank counter that my dad had sent me in to exchange the bills and he was outside waiting for me.

One time the lady gave me a really strange look and told me that she would not be able to do it for me and my dad would have to come in and do it,

but I just rode to the next bank down the street (laughs)."

Surprisingly, the boy did not have any reason to be afraid.

The reporting news team examined and investigated the so-called "chain-letter" the boy was sending out and found

that it was not a chain-letter at all. In fact, it was completely lawful according to United States Postal and Lottery Laws

which state; a product or service must be exchanged for funds received.

Every five-dollar bill that he received contained a little note that read, "Please send me report number xyz".

This simple note made the letter lawful because he was exchanging a service (A Report on how-to do something) for a five-dollar fee.

It's true. The boy legitimately earned $71,000.

You should print this, read it and read it again and again if necessary.

Then follow the simple instructions. You too could make $71,000 and much much more.

This program has gained such respectability and it is working so well, that many people are now entering the program for a second and third time.

Some are reporting they are earning enough money to give up their jobs and they are spending just a few hours a day sending out e-mails.



Some people will perceive this as an "off the wall" idea to make

money, but others will look at it as a great

business opportunity. This by far is the safest, most risk free

opportunity you will find to start your own

business because you use Paypal, the most trusted banking system on

the internet. Not only is this an

opportunity to gain financial freedom, but you will help others do

the same as they help you. A basic

principal that has been forgotten about - Giving to one another.

This is a very simple opportunity. This is an even simpler automated way to make money that does not require opening mail, only a Paypal account.

Create a Paypal account for free.

Give six people $1.00. (Paypal IDs are listed below.)

Post this opportunity to others on the internet.

Other people create a Paypal account for free.

Thousands of people give you $1.00 to be put on your mailing list.

(Once you add your Paypal ID.)

If we all work together everyone will benefit.

Here's how!

Paypal verifies that this $6 investment program is 100% legal and is

a big hit this year

see their note below or ask them directly...

For a simple investment of 15-30 minutes and just $6, it is 100%

worth it to make thousands so quickly.

This is not another scam that takes lots of your hard earned money;

this is a no risk investment that will

make you thousands of dollars very easily and quickly.


IMPORTANT: This is not a rip-off; it is not indecent; it is not

illegal; and it is virtually no risk-it really works! If

all of the following instructions are adhered to, you will receive

extraordinary dividends.



Take a few minutes to join Paypal: Remember to verify your account.

The Internet's most trusted Internet banking system for your future


When creating your Paypal account make email address you used for

Paypal on the list below so people

can send money to your account.


Once you have a Paypal account running, use Paypal to post $1 to

EACH of the 6 Email Addresses below

because you pay people with an email address in Paypal. Select "SEND


To do this you may need to use a credit or debit card, which is very

easy, and secure so nobody but

Paypal may see it.

What you are doing is creating a service. This is absolutely legal!

You are requesting a legitimate service

and you are paying for it!

Here are the 6 individual Email addresses that you have to send $1

to through Paypal for this to work

properly and for you to receive money.

(If you don't send the money and decide to post the message with

your name in it anyway, Paypal will

instantly pick this up and terminate your account, immediately,

besides the other penalties!!)

If you did this you could get into serious trouble because it is

fraud. (So follow the instructions and post the

$6 and you will make lots of money with no hassles.)

Now Send $1.00 to each of the six people on the list using Paypal, and

in the comment (Subject) section type "Please add me to your list".

Below are the emails that you transfer the money into:

These email addresses are Paypal IDs or usernames.

Send 1 Dollar to:








Now after sending $1.00 to each of the email placements above, take

the #1 Email Address off the list,

move the other Email Addresses up (6 becomes 5, 5 becomes 4, etc.)

and add Your Email Address as

number 6 on the list.


Change anything you need to, but try to keep this article as close

to the original as possible.

Now, post your amended article to at least 200 news groups (there

are thousands of groups).

And email your message to as many people you can. Remember, the more

you post and email the more

money you make! This is perfectly legal!

You are getting paid for a service, the sender of the money asks you to “Please add me to you
Reply:I actually found a website where you can make pretty good money. Basically all you do is complete offers for other people who will pay you on average $25. Don't get your hopes up though and think you're gonna get rich over night. I think the way you know this site is real is because you don't have to pay a membership fee. In fact just start a trial and see if you can end up making enough money to pay for a VIP status. I go to college so this is a good way to make easy money. here is the site
Reply:For many different ways to make money on the internet go check out this blog:
Reply:Various money making ways and sites could be found here

These sites pay to post on forums
Reply:I make money online doing surveys. You can see my blog where I talk about what companies I work with, how much money I'm currently making this month, proofs of payment, etc at

Good Luck in your journey! It's easy, I promise!
Reply:this worked for me and its free to start up.
Reply:Try visiting for some good ideas and help. There are many different ideas to help get you started.

1 comment:

  1. Just received a payment for $500.

    Many times people don't believe me when I tell them about how much you can get taking paid surveys online...

    So I show them a video of myself actually getting paid over $500 for taking paid surveys.
