Monday, May 11, 2009

What is the cost of conducting face to face interviews (surveys) and tabulating the results?

I need the cost (and cost breakdown) of conducing face to face interviews (surveys) and tabulating the survey results....

anyone know where I can get an average cost?

Have to interview (survey) 500 people (100 in 5 diff locations). What would be the cost to perform the entire program?

What is the cost of conducting face to face interviews (surveys) and tabulating the results?
I think that there is no "standard" answer to this question, or a one-size-fits-all approach.

Getting accurate estimations for such a survey the very first time would be time-consuming due to the research required. I would use a local online Journey Planner or Google Maps to calculate the time it would take me to reach one of the targetted interviewees, put the time in an Excel spreadsheet under a heading like "Trip Time" in hours, for instance, then keep doing the same for as many interviewees as it looks like the differences are worth it. I would also register at least the postcode %26amp; area of each interviewee in the same row. Depending on the differences between the times, I could settle for the data above from just 20 interviewees in order to get an average and use it with the rest; or I may need data from 50, or even 100. This can be an educated guess and can be personal, but naturally, the fewer the interviewees from which you derive an average, the less accurate the average will be. While getting those Trip Times, I would also include in another column the "Trip Cost" for each interviewee by either getting the public transportation price for each trip or the mileage and associated petrol consumption of my car.

Then, I would add a column for the "Interview Time" in hours, and either put the same time there for everyone, or different times for groups of interviewees or even individual interviewees depending on the specifics of the survey.

Depending on my personal circumstances, I can add a column titled "Interviewer Rate per Hour" or "Surveyor Rate per Hour". Even if the Interviewer is not costing the company anything--perhaps because it is my own business and I am the Interviewer, I can still put a rate per hour for myself, and I can estimate that rate on the basis of the value of my risk. Meaning, I would ask myself the question: if I were not the Interviewer in this job, and I was doing a different job, what is the absolute minimum rate per hour for which I would work? How much would I be earning per hour if I were working for someone else? And I would put that rate there, because that is practically how much this survey is costing me, keeping me busy from doing some other work.

Finally, I would add a column titled "Total Cost" where I would calculate the total of ( Trip Cost + ( (Trip Time + Interview Time) * Interviewer Rate per Hour) ). That would be the total cost of each interviewee. And by having many totals in that column, I can come up with a fairly accurate average cost per interviewee, and also a total cost for the whole survey.

Hope that answers the question.
Reply:ou contact a professional Survey company. Pinecone research, Surveysavvy, Greenfieldonline are some of the larger survey companies, who pay regularly . A list of companies you can join for free , with details of amounts you will receive as payment, is available at

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